ShareScripts are files which can be used to provide additional functionality in ShareScope Plus and ShareScope Pro.
You can use ShareScripts to draw analytics and other useful items on the charts. They can be used to create custom columns, filters and alarms, and can also be used to export data.
For more information about coding ShareScripts have a look at our ShareScript documentation available here.
If you would like to view the ShareScript library outside of ShareScope you can locate it here.
These types of scripts can be used as:
Column scripts can be written so that they output either text or a number. Both types can be used when using the script as a column in a table.
To add a script to your table:
When sorting a table by a script column the process may run for a long period of time. This is due to the way ShareScope has to run the additional code. The dialog may show 'Not responding'. However, that just means that ShareScope is working its hardest to complete the sort.
In some cases you may be warned that the Script has been running for a long time. Generally you should just click Ignore. If you see these messages too often you can disable the notifications.
To do so:
To remove a ShareScript column, right click on the column heading and select Remove column from the menu.
Only column scripts written to output a number can be used as Data Mining criteria.
In addition to this, Data Mining does not refresh on an intraday basis.
Most column scripts designed to use intraday data will have an option to include intraday data, this option should not be selected. Intraday bar sizes, where available, should not be used either.
If you wish to use intraday data in conjunction with a script you should consider using the script as a column or as an alarm.
To add a sharescript as a Data Mining criterion do the following:
To delete a ShareScript criterion, click on the little cross at the top right of the criterion box or right click on the criterion heading and select Delete this criterion... from the menu.
Column ShareScripts can be added to the Details screen as List box items.
Column scripts that output text or numbers and those that use intraday data can all be applied to the Details screen.
To do so:
To remove the item from the list box right click on the item and select Delete (<Script Title<) from the menu.
Column ShareScripts can be used as either end-of-day or intraday alarms.
Column scripts that output text or numbers and those that use intraday data can be used as alarms.
There is a specific set of code that needs to be applied when using scripts as alarms. It is usually made clear in the description and/or name of a script if it can be used as an alarm. However, if there is any doubt double check with the support team.
It should be noted that part of the ShareScript code determines whether an alarm acts as an intraday alarm or an end-of-day alarm. The alarms dialog will, therefore, change according to the code in the script.
To use a ShareScript as an alarm:
To delete a ShareScript alarm you need to first open the Alarms view.
Select the View menu, New Window and then Alarms.
In the Alarms view you will be able to right click on the Alarm and select Delete alarm.
A ShareScript Tool is a script which is run once. This is usually used to export data to a .csv file which can then be opened by any spreadsheet program you may be using.
To use a ShareScript Tool:
As ShareScript tools are designed to only be run once there is no need to delete them.
To learn more about using ShareScripts on graphs click here.