Would you like up to two months FREE subscription?
For every person you refer to ShareScope that joins, we will give you up to two months free subscription (one month for real-time subscribers). There is no limit, so if you keep introducing people, you may never have to pay your subscription again! The person you refer receives their second month free too or an additional free month for annual subscriptions.
Just ask them to quote your name and account number when they subscribe.
Refer a friend who becomes a new Legacy ShareScope subscriber - you get two months of Legacy ShareScope Gold for free; your friend gets their second month of Legacy ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new ShareScope subscriber - you get two months of Legacy ShareScope Gold for free; your friend gets their second month of ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new Legacy ShareScope subscriber - you get two months of Legacy ShareScope Plus for free; your friend gets their second month of Legacy ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new ShareScope subscriber - you get two months of Legacy ShareScope Plus for free; your friend gets their second month of ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new Legacy ShareScope subscriber - you get one month of Legacy ShareScope Pro for free; your friend gets their second month of Legacy ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new ShareScope subscriber - you get one month of Legacy ShareScope Pro for free; your friend gets their second month of ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new Legacy ShareScope subscriber - you get two months of ShareScope for free; your friend gets their second month of Legacy ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new ShareScope subscriber - you get two months of ShareScope for free; your friend gets their second month of ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new Legacy ShareScope subscriber - you get one month of ShareScope Pro for free; your friend gets their second month of Legacy ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new ShareScope subscriber - you get one month of ShareScope Pro for free; your friend gets their second month of ShareScope for free.
Refer a friend who becomes a new Legacy ShareScope or ShareScope subscriber - you get two months of Legacy ShareScope for free (one month if using Legacy ShareScope Pro); your friend gets their second month of Legacy ShareScope/ShareScope for free.
In order for both you and your friend to qualify for the offer your friend must quote your name and account number when they join. Your Legacy ShareScope/ShareScope account must also be active and your subscription payments up to date. If your friend subscribes to Legacy ShareScope or ShareScope and then cancels using the 30-day money back guarantee you will not qualify for the offer.
The Tell-A-Friend offer is available for existing members only.
If the member who has been referred cancels within the 30-day money-back guarantee period, both members will forfeit any free data accrued under the promotion.
In such an event, Ionic Information reserves the right to automatically charge the customer for any months previously claimed as free.